Ejercicios para practicar las preposiciones en inglés, for/since, to+infinitivo/-ing
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Los errores en el uso de preposiciones en inglés suelen derivar de la traducción literal, falsos amigos y falta de práctica. En una publicación anterior, exploramos los errores más comunes que los hablantes de español cometen en inglés. En esta entrada, repasaremos estos conceptos a través de ejercicios prácticos. Tambien puedes practicar en la academia de inglés, clases particulares.
Las soluciones a los ejercicios se encuentran al final del post, ¡no te adelantes!
- In, at, on Selecciona la preposición correcta entre in, at y on para completar los espacios en blanco.
- Don’t worry, I’ll pick you up ___ the airport.
- I lived ___ Paris for a year after I finished school.
- Lucy is studying ___ the university.
- I live ___ 12 Alcester Road.
- James met us ___ the door.
- I was stuck ___ that traffic jam, sorry.
- Let’s take the tube ___ Oxford Street.
- Mirror, mirror ___ the wall…
- There is always something going ___ Trafalgar Square.
- The Manager’s office is ___ the third floor.
- For vs since Deberás elegir entre for o since en cada caso.
- I haven’t visited my parents ___ Christmas!
- Mary has been off sick ___ two weeks.
- ___ 2007, smoking is forbidden in all enclosed public places.
- This is Margaret, she has been working here ___ 1997.
- I am married ___ last summer.
- It has been raining ___ three days in a row.
- Could you watch the baby ___ a few minutes?
- Our team has been working on this ___ the 1st of February.
- We have been planning this party ___ a long time.
- Finally! I have been waiting ___ you since 6 o’clock.
- ¿Preposición o no? Determina si las frases requieren una preposición o no, tachando donde no sea necesaria.
- I saw you in the street in yesterday.
- I started studying here at the start of October.
- What are you going to do on Saturday’s night?
- We are visiting the Parliament on next Sunday.
- Hurry up, the film starts in 5 minutes.
- I am having a birthday party on the 1st of May.
- Penny was born in London in 1982.
- On Sunday morning they usually go fishing.
- I last saw her on the day before yesterday.
- I went to bed early but I wasn’t tired. I was reading until 2 am.
- They have been in this city for ten years.
- I last visited him on three days ago.
- I was reading the report for all day yesterday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Richards left the hotel for last night.
- I will have finished this book by Friday.
- To + infinitivo / -ing Decide si se debe usar to o no en cada caso.
- I would like ___ go shopping with you tomorrow.
- I look forward ___ driving my new car.
- I like ___ jogging after a hard day of work.
- I need ___ stop for a coffee.
- I like ___ drive.
¿Cómo te fue? Aquí te dejamos las soluciones:
Ejercicio 1
- at 2. in 3. at 4. at 5. at 6. in 7. on 8. on 9. on 10. on
Ejercicio 2
- since 2. for 3. since 4. since 5. since 6. for 7. for 8. since 9. for 10. for
Ejercicio 3
- in, in 2. at 3. on 4. on 5. in 6. in 7. in 8. 9. on 10. to, until 11. in, for 12. on 13. for 14. for 15. by
Ejercicio 4
- to 2. to 3. — 4. to 5. to